Running your robot autonomously
Running robot by teleop
Before you begin running your CK-9 autonomously, it's a good idea to first run it using your keyboard to verify that the base_controller is running as intended and make sure you are getting good odometry data.On your CK-9 run the following commands
That's it! Play around with your CK-9 and move it around with your PC keyboard! Check odometry data. On your PC on a new terminal window type:roslaunch ck9_base minimal.launch roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
rostopic echo /odom
and check if the pose and velocity data is accurate.You can also check the same on rViz.
Create a map/run SLAM
roslaunch ck9_base minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
roslaunch ck9_navigation slam.launch
roscd ck9/rviz and then rviz -d slam.rviz
View the bot and the map being created in rviz, and move around the bot with teleop to build a full map
To save the map: rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name
with terminal at the location where you want to save the map
You now have a map ready to run your bot autonomously on!
Running your robot autonomously
Finally, you are all set to give a navigation goal to your robot and watch it run autonomously!roslaunch ck9_base minimal.launch
roslaunch ck9_navigation navigate.launch map_file:=/home/username/path_to_map.yaml
roscd ck9_base/rviz and then rviz -d navigate.rviz
Use the "2D Nav Goal" button in rviz to publish your navigation goals and see your CK-9 in action!
You've now learnt to run your robot autonomously faster than the rest!What next?
Play around with your CK-9! Try building features and add capabilities on top of this stack. Or maybe improve this stack. There's surely a lot of room for improvement! Perhaps, make your own personal assistant bot with your CK-9! If you don't have a CK-9, get it right now! You surely can easily implement what you learnt in these tutorials. And there's no way you can get these components cheaper than this price.Robotics require robots.
Get yours.